Abortion Services

Abortion Services

Safe Abortions

Abortion Methods

At Sivana Women’s and Abortion Clinic, we offer the safest and most advanced abortions methods. We aim at providing optimal care and helping our patients make a decision about which method is right for them. We are recognized as one of the leading private practice abortion providers with over 3 years of experience in abortion care. All of our gynecologists have specialized training in abortion care. and safe abortions.

A pregnancy is considered to be early when it is within the first twelve weeks. There are two methods that are considered to be non-surgical methods of terminating an early pregnancy. These two methods are the Aspiration Procedure and the Abortion Pill. They are safe, gentle, and natural methods of terminating an early pregnancy. These two non-surgical early abortion methods end a pregnancy before it develops.

What is the Aspiration Procedure?

When performing the Aspiration Procedure the doctor uses a thin plastic tube to remove the pregnancy tissue. This device makes no noise and is very gentle. The Aspiration Procedure is conducted in an examination room and is considered to be a simple procedure much like a regular gynecological check-up. The procedure is short and only takes a few minutes to perform. The Aspiration Procedure is considered to be better than the surgical method for several reasons. When undergoing the Aspiration Procedure there is no electric suction and no scraping or scarring of the uterus. It is a quick method with a very easy recovery. Most patients can resume normal activities directly after the procedure.

Aspiration Abortion Procedures
Surgical Abortion Procedure
Non-Surgical Abortion Procedure Surgical Abortion Procedure
Aspiration Abortion uses gentle manual aspiration Surgical abortion uses loud, electrical, machine driven suction.
Conducted in a private examination room Taken place in an operating room
Quick and immediate recovery Longer and more strenuous recovery
Natural and Gentle Suction Electrical Suction
No scraping of the uterus Involves minor uterine scraping
Minimal Discomfort Most women experience significant discomfort
What is the Pro-Vac Aspiration Procedure?

There are several types of manual aspiration devices. At Sivana we use the newest state of the art Pro-Vac Aspiration System. When Pro-Vac is compared to the Mini-Vac procedure we found Pro-Vac to be gentler to the uterine lining causing less bleeding, less discomfort, faster suction without uterine scarring to the patient. An Aspiration Abortion is a safe, gentle, and effective non-surgical procedure that is often considered to be the optimal way to end an early pregnancy. Aspiration Abortion with Pro-Vac uses gentle suction to naturally remove the pregnancy tissue into a handheld device. There are no loud, abrasive noises, and we do not use the harsh and invasive dilation and curettage technique (D&C) used at other centers. One of the greatest aspects of an Aspiration Abortion is that the recovery time is instantaneous. Women leave our offices and are able to return to their normal activities immediately.

What is the Abortion Pill

This method of medical abortion uses a drug called Mifeprex, also known as RU-486, to abort the pregnancy. At your initial visit, a state of the art trans-vaginal sonogram will be performed in our office to confirm the pregnancy and determine your eligibility to use this abortion method. After this, you will be provided with a series of pills to abort the pregnancy. The first pill, Mifeprex, is taken orally at our offices or at the privacy of your own home. The second set of pills, called Misoprostol, are then taken 48 hours later. These last two pills cause the uterus to contract, resulting in the expulsion of the pregnancy tissue. This method is safe and effective. Many women see this as a desirable alternative to surgery and anesthesia.

safe abortion

 What are the advantages of the Abortion Pill?

Women are generally happy with the Abortion Pill. In fact most women who took the Abortion Pill/RU-486 would recommend it to others. Some of the main advantages of the abortion pill over a surgical abortion or an Aspiration Procedure are:

  • You are able to be in the comfort and privacy of your own home while taking both sets of pills
  • Some couples like this method because you can go through the process together and you are not in a doctors office
  • Unlike the Aspiration Procedure and a surgical abortion there is no procedure when taking the Abortion Pill/RU-486
  • Abortion Pill/RU-486 is similar to the experience of having a natural miscarriage